How to handle the surprise orgasm

In her book Uniquely Rika mentions a very effective way to suppress an unwanted orgasm in our man:

It does happen. You're playing close to the edge, really pushing his frustration, and he accidentally has an orgasm. Guys do get to a point where, no matter what they do to try to stop it, his orgasm is on its way; they will orgasm without any further stimulation. If you think you've gone too far, you can try a couple of techniques to stop it. I say try, because they don't always work.

Squeeze the head

Apply very strong pressure just below the head of the penis on the underside. Pinch this area as hard as you can and hold it. Don't shake or slide your fingers or his body might interpret it as stroking and he'll orgasm. If you catch it early enough, his urge to come will quickly subside and you will be able to safely continue.

Drive the thumbs

Drive both of your thumbs into the sides of the urethra from on the top ofhis penis with a steady and firm grip. This is an extremely uncomfortable thing for him and often will stop the orgasm (but not always, so watch where you're pointing!)